Thursday, May 10, 2012

Put On New Self: Add Love Liberally

Read Colossians 3:5-17
Title in NIV: Put to death the earthly nature and put on love.

Put on LOVE! That means everyone. Not just those you deem worthy.

List of things to rid yourself of:

sexual immorality                malice
impurity                               slander
lust                                        filthy language
evil desires                           lying
greed which is idolatry

Verse 11 says there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all and is in all. Put another way, I think this says, there is no black or white etc., no Church of Christ, Baptist or Methodist etc., no Russian, German, or Iranian etc., no Muslim or Hindu etc. We have to remember God made all of us to be his children. God left a place in each one of us to fill. We get to choose what to fill it with. If we fill our space (lets say it is the heart and mind) with Jesus Christ our Savior who reconciled us back to God, then we are doing well. However, it is a choice. Others may fill themselves up with false teaching, false religion, traditions and believe characteristics of God that are not true. Our labels don't matter. What matters is knowing Jesus Christ, the Way, the narrow Gate, the Shepherd, the Water of Life etc.

List of things we are to put on:

bear with one another
bind all these together with LOVE

If you live by the first list, your life will be a roller coaster of anger and bitterness. It you live by the second list you will have peace in your heart and you can't help but be thankful.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We do enjoy your blog. Keep up the fine work. Hope family OK. We are preparing for Alaska, leave on the 28th.
Wayne & Janis

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