Thursday, April 26, 2012

Don't Let Anyone Judge You. How?

Thanks to those who are waiting eagerly for this post (V). Thanks ML. I found the verse I was looking for with your help. It was Corinthians!

Read: Colossians 2:16-23
Title in NIV: Freedom from deceptive philosophies.

Don’t Let Anyone Judge You…How?
With the following verse in mind....enjoy my post today. Blessings!!

1 Cor 9:19-23 I am a slave to everyone. To the Jews, I became like the Jews. To those under the law, I became like one under the law. To those not having the law, I became like one not having the law. To the weak, I became weak. I have become all things to all men…so I might save some.  I do all this for the sake of the gospel…

We always hear “Do not judge.” This week we deal with what responsibility I have to not allow someone to judge me.

I love the concept in the scripture today. However, it is the most difficult to understand and even more difficult to show because we are selfish in nature. Truthfully, I believe only about 20% of believers show this attitude toward others. I’ve prayed about writing this. I want my attitude to be that of love. I want readers to dive deep into the Word and see what God has to teach.

Verse 16 says, “do not let anyone judge you…” STOP there. Let’s discuss how to do that. People only judge differences in others. People don’t judge others who are doing the same thing as they are. Therefore, so you are not judged, be similar in action to someone who is apt to judge your actions. (I’m not speaking of indulging in drugs or stealing and such.) I’m speaking of those trite things that, even though they do not matter in eternity, may make someone stumble. (I thought about making a list, but…no.)

Here is a crazy example, but go with it just to grasp the point. What if you visited a church that only wore red shirts and you knew it. Would you wear a blue shirt just to assert your freedom in Christ that blue shirts are ok, too? People will judge you. They will think you are arrogant and haughty. You will insult the members. You will be seen as rude. The topic has been changed, of course, to protect the individual, however, I heard a lady say she would wear a blue shirt anyway because she knew it was ok with God and she did not care about the beliefs of the others. Hummm. There are many things that concern me with that attitude.

Selfishness says, “I don’t care about your feelings.” Selfishness says, “My way is right and you should learn from what I do.” 1 Corinthians 8:7 says people may not understand that they are free from the law. Some are interested only in following the rules…old rules…rules made by man. Because their conscience is weak, they think others who don’t follow their rules are in a wrong standing with God.  But what they do not understand is that the rule does not bring then closer to God.  We are no worse off if we wear blue and no better off if we follow the rule and wear red. (I know this example is silly, but I hope it makes the point the scripture is presenting.)

Colossians 2 and 1 Corinthians says the same thing: knowledge puffs up but love builds up.  So what if the person in the example said, “I know I am free to wear whatever, but I love the people of God and do not want to cause anyone to stumble or sin by judging me. So, I will wear red in their assembly.” That is sacrificing freedom for others to honor God... not for our own comfort.

Verse 20 says, “Why do you still belong to the basic principles of this world? Do not handle. Do not touch. Do not taste.” All these ‘do not’ statements are based on human traditions and rules and not on Jesus’ teachings.  Rules have the appearance of wisdom but they are self-imposed, show false humility and treat the body harshly. They lack value.

The bible says people of strong faith understand the previous concept, but it also causations ‘strong-in-faith’ people to be careful that exercising their freedom does not make a weak brother stumble (1 Cor 8). For is anyone with a weak conscience sees you he may be destroyed in his faith.  So, if what I eat or wear or if I clap in worship etc. causes my brother to judge me and fall into sin, I will not eat or wear or clap etc. because I love others who God created just as he created me.

Always, always think of others even if it means giving up something (for a time). Don’t trample on someone’s faith. Be patient.

Are you in the 20% or the 80%. Is your freedom strong enough to loose it for others? And I'm not talking about compromizing, I'm talking about loving others enough that you care about their conscience.

Further study: 1 Cor 10:23-33 I am not seeking my own good but the good of many that they may be saved.

1 Cor 8 and 9:12-15 We put up with anything rather than hinder the gospel of Christ.

1 Cor 9:19-23 I am a slave to everyone. To the Jews, I became like the Jews. To those under the law, I became like one under the law. To those not having the law, I became like one not having the law. To the weak, I became weak. I have become all things to all men…so I might save some.  I do all this for the sake of the gospel…

1 comment:

bookworm said...

Ok, that was thought provoking. I am a little reminded of when we were raising you kids; you have to pick your battles and somethings you have to let slide, even though you would like to romp all over them. I can see by your writing you have learned this. (It ain't folks.) Lots of prayer to all of us who deal with these situations daily at church and in everyday life.

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