Saturday, May 8, 2010

Read 1Peter 2:1-3
Chapter 2 begins with the word 'therefore'. I believe it is referring to ch. 1:24-25 It states (paraphrased) that men are only on earth for a moment and their glory is short lived. But the word of the Lord stand forever. Therefore, get rid of all the unholy things in your character such as:
*malice- desiring harm for another, being spiteful
*deceit-represent what is false as truth; trick; fraud; lie
*hypocrisy-pretending to be what one is not; pretend to be better than you
really are
*envy-feeling ill of another's advantages or possessions; resentful; jealousy
*slander-statement uttered that damages a persons character (most if not
all gossip is slander! think about it: does it build up or tear down a persons
Vs. 3 anticipates that you will desire to live holy without all these characteristics because you have tasted that the Lord is good. 1Timothy 3:5 says, "May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance."

We are called to crave pure spiritually milk like infants. But also, like an infant, we are called to mature and grow up. I gave a lesson at to the ladies at church about being an infant craving milk and maturing. I believe spiritual milk is passive. It is listening to the word, studying the word and reading the word. Basically, all the ways you can ingest the word by sitting is the milk of the word. Becoming mature is the action, application and use of the word. You can have all the knowledge of the bible, you can have the whole bible memorized, but if you do not use what you have learned, you are not mature. To be mature we have to use our talents, use our money, use our time and use ourselves to serve others.

Read 1Peter 2:4-10
Title in NIV: Believers are like living stones.

I love the visual in vs. 4-8. What do you need to start a house? You need a pure space: no tree stumps and level. You need the space to be sure: a solid foundation not on material that will erode or give way. When building you need solid materials at the bottom to support the walls and roof at the top. This passage says we are being build into a spiritual house. When you are in a spiritual house, you have 2 responsibilities. One, you are to be strong and trustworthy so you can support the ones above you. If you are not strong you will cause those above you to doubt or fall. Two, be an encourager and good example to those below to build them up and help them persevere. You can serve the ones above by holding them up with your support. You can serve the ones below by encouraging them to not loose faith.

To us who believe, we accept this example because we love those who God made and know 'it is not all about us'. Those who reject this example can't understand why we are not 'looking out for number one' and stumble on the message because they do not live for Christ.
So now that we are a chosen people, Christians, we are a royal priesthood, a people belonging to God. We should praise him who showed us the glorious light in Jesus Christ. We have received mercy from the Lord and now live for his Son who the mercy is passed through.
Blessings to you all!

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