Monday, August 24, 2015

Don't Fall Off a Cliff Because You Won't Ask For Help: Advice as We Begin the New School Year

It’s Monday! The day moms and dads look forward to and the day kids dread. But, to be fair, I know some weepy moms and I know some kids who were all too ready to go back to school.

So, no matter what group you were in, the new journey is here! Embrace it! If your house is quite for the first time in months, do something you could not get done with the little ones underfoot. I organized my office. If you are the one going back to school, decide to be the best you can be and don’t be afraid to ask for help before you start to fall/fail. 

Hey, that works for us adults, too! I am horrible for asking for help! I don’t know why. I guess I think the person helping me will think I am dumb or a lost cause or worse yet, does not have the talent I think I have. Oh no! I need to get better at this. I have enjoyed the feedback in the past when I have asked others to read a chapter I was working on. I received some of the best advice that I will use through out the whole project. 

The Bible teaches to bear one another’s burdens to lighten their load. However, if no one knows, who is at fault? Not your unknowing friends! 

Let’s not be afraid to ask for help and prayers!  Our kids need that example so they will not be afraid to ask teachers or even their parents for help before they need a rope.



Anonymous said...

Good thoughts,..."bear one another's burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ". I read a great quote about asking and giving help in advance of trauma: "It's always better to build a Clinic and the top of the cliff than an emergency room at the bottom." The church is called to be both--but maybe we should focus more on being the "clinic" in the lives of those around us. -ML

Erin E. McEndree said...

I love that quote. I have to say, I am working on asking for help/advice/guidance more and more. Asking is not one of my strong points. I also need to look for others who, without them saying a word, are in need of encouragement, too. A little of both is a good thing.

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