Tuesday, May 26, 2015

How Does Jesus Handle Continual Adversity?

Does Satan Know Where to Push Your Buttons? He does mine. I have continually been bombarded with a certain adversity all year. Sometimes it is quiet as a mouse. Sometimes I can feel it is simmering and ready at any moment to boil over. Sometimes it explodes. It is always the same situation, thus the same button gets pushed. Hopefully I have handled the situations grace. I’m sure I could have prayed more. I hope I have given when I needed to give and not budged when it was important. Sometime I feel like I am only holding on with two fingers. 

On a particularly suffocating day, I read these words in a devo I receive every morning: Do not think I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. Matthew 10:34. It went on to say, “If you are always trying to be cool and get along with people, if you never stand your ground or speak up for your faith, then you  will reach no one.” —Greg Laurie

The devo is talking about sharing one’s faith, but it greatly applied to my situation and spoke to me to never give up when things get tough, stand firm and speak up when you have to.

So how did Jesus handle adversity? The best example is when he was tempted by Satan after 40 days and 40 nights when his faculties were greatly compromised. He spoke scripture to Satan after Satan has spoken scripture to Him. Satan tempted with physical needs (bread), spiritual faith (will God send angels to save you), and material wealth (kingdoms of the world). Each question also tested who Jesus would bow down to and pledge his allegiance. He stood firm to the end because he had you and me and us in mind. 

Jesus also was silent in adversity. He said very little while being accused before Herod, Pilate and the haranguing crowd. Again, he had you and me and us in mind. He knew his role in God's plan. 

Jesus was rejected at every turn. He had adversity pop up constantly. He knew when to speak and when to be silent. That should make you feel good in the sense that Jesus understands what we go through and gives us help to stand up under whatever life throws. And when I really think about it, I realize my little adversity seems slight compared to HIs. 

Thought: I always feel better when I filter my situations through the Word of God. The connection to my buttons seems to break. I am more at peace than when I started. 
Try it with your constant situations and see if you feel more at peace, too.


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