Friday, February 20, 2015

Expectant Anticipation

Expectant Anticipation

We have three mama goats that are very big and very pregnant. We have been anticipating the arrival of the little kids for two months. When we left for Christmas vacation, we hoped they would not be delivered when we were not home so we could help with any unforeseen complications if needed. Now, exactly two months later, we are still waiting. Apparently, they were bred when we thought in October, however they were so enormous in December, we thought we got the date wrong. So, for two months, we check them every day; several times a day. We check them late at night before we go to bed and early when we rise. We look for the signs of swollen milk sacks and discharge. The signs are there but nothing is happening. (Of course they will have them when it is icy and sleeting on Monday!) We can see the babies roll around in the mama’s tummy and it makes me think of watching my kids in their beds under their blankets moving around in the morning. Their little world is getting smaller and smaller. Every time I pull into the driveway and open my door, I listen for bleating and the evidence of little creatures with their mama.
During a bible study I attend while discussing how we wait in expectation for the coming of Christ, I mentioned my little goats and how I am waiting with anticipation so I can be ready to welcome them into the world. I wondered why the just won’t come. That is when it hit me, “They are not ready!” They are maturing inside their mama. Their hooves are hardening so they can walk soon after birth. Their lungs are developing so they can take that first breath of air. Their hearts are developing so they can beat on their own. I almost asked my husband, who is a Vet, if he could give them something to speed up this process. But how foolish that would be if they are not ready? They are being developed and prepared so they can withstand the birthing process. Soon, they see the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ and will be delivered into the light from a dark place.
I thought of me being in a womb called earth. The placenta of atmosphere, clouds and air surrounds me and keeps me safe inside. I am maturing and developing into what God wants me and needs me to be. My heart is growing stronger in faith. My eyes see Him more clearly with study and with every situation I give up to Him. This is why we have a patient God; He is waiting for all to develop love in their heart for Him and see Him clearly through the fog. 
As Christians, we know enough to be getting restless. We know our Savior is coming and we wait in expectant anticipation. We feel our world getting smaller and smaller around us as ungodly influences press in on every side of society and waft across nations inching closer and closer to our ‘safe place’. Media helps us see things across the globe and our anxiety rises; out of control sometimes. We see, in part, the signs of labor and feel the pressure of  a space getting cramped with too many beliefs we must deny. We get restless and know enough to know we want to see that Light in the sky. 
One day, the light in the sky will get bigger and bigger until we are delivered unto Him; our protector, our sustainer of life, our nurturer and our everything. Our eyes will be opened for the first time when we are birthed into heaven. Our ears will listen to choirs of angels. We will understand why it took so long for the labor process to be completed. 

Waiting in anticipation for our Savior is exciting, exhausting and exhilarating, but we must wait; there is nothing else to do. So, while you wait, continue to develop in His Word, mature in thought, practice His teaching; because no one wants to see an under-developed you that cannot take a breath in heaven nor see the Light nor have a heart beating for God. 


Paige said...

Loved the visual of the goats and imagining your family's anticipation! It is a great spiritual lesson and one I also can apply to waiting for answered prayer. We know God's timing is always perfect and maybe instead of trying to rush Him, we can look for ways He is preparing us or the prayed for person. Maybe we could even enjoy the time of waiting and resting in Him :)
Psalm 62:5

Erin said...

Thanks, Paige! I prepared for them today while it was 60 by giving them more hay and a heat lamp. In Facing the Giant, the preacher said prepare like you knew your prayer was being answered. Well, maybe God was just waiting on me to submit and give it to Him...and prepare! Now I'm trying to wait and rest and relax about it but I admit I go check them every couple of hours.

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