Friday, December 5, 2014

Jesus Fulfilled the Law

From My Perspective: A Christian author I follow, Lysa TerKeurst, posted a question on FB: What do  you struggle with most? I quickly typed my answer THEN read the other responses. Did you know that my struggles are the same as almost everyone who responded? If all these women have the same struggles, I'm sure you do too. Some of the worries included: raising children in this awkward and self-seeking generation, not focusing enough on spiritual things with our kids or spouse, not getting enough done for our family, not doing enough for our kids, not talking to our extended families enough, not spending enough quality time with our spouse, not being organized enough, not keeping the laundry done or the kitchen clean or the dust bunnies at bay. The theme I read over and over was BUSYNESS. Satan uses our busyness to take our focus off God. And, that is part of the reason I have not posted in a couple of weeks.
What is your perspective on this topic?

Now, I have been thinking about fulfill for weeks. Groundwork and foundation for the post: The definition of fulfill: to do what is required by contract or covenant, to succeed, to bring an end to, satisfy, to put into effect, to convert into reality, to develop full potential of, complete, redeem.

Four Examples of Fulfillment

1) An engagement is fulfilled with a marriage. The couple does not have to follow the same rules anymore (i.e. no sex before marriage, not living together etc.). There is a different set of expectations. Does the marriage mean the engagement is not important any longer? No. The couple should have learned so much about each other. They should have prepared so much for the marriage. Engagement pointed toward  and was a shadow of the marriage. Both are important.

2) The pregnancy of a fetus is fulfilled at the birth of the child. The woman does not follow the same prenatal rules anymore. There is a different set of rules. Does the birth mean the pregnancy was not important anymore? No. She should have prepared. She should have learned so much. The pregnancy pointed to the birth. Pregnancy was a shadow of the little person she carried. Pregnancy was the hope of a new relationship outside the womb. Jesus came outside the tomb like the womb. We have a new relationship that is close and personal now.

3) Paying off a car/house is the fulfillment of a contract. You do not have to follow the same rules of a monthly payment and interest anymore. Does the final payment make the loan period not important? No. The loan period was a shadow of full responsibility of ownership to come. In the old testament, the Holy Spirit was 'on loan' until the payment was fulfilled by Christ and then the Holy Spirit was in our heart and our responsibility to cultivate. You cannot fully own something until you go through the payment process. In the old testament, responsibility was largely based on the man of he household. Ex. Korah and his family were swallowed up by the earth because he stood against the Lord. Since Jesus, the fulfillment of 'paid in full' makes each one responsible to God through faith in Jesus Christ.

4) Being considered for a promotion is fulfilled with passing all the qualifications. After you get it, you do not have to follow all the rules of the old position. There is a different set of expectations and obligations. Does getting a promotion nullify all the hard work you did to be qualified for the promotion? No. It upholds the decision your boss made to give you the promotion. Working toward the promotion was a shadow of new requirements about to be applied to you. Your qualification period is your journey to faith and your decision to be baptized. Your promotion into Jesus' church as his bride is your baptism.

The Law was fulfilled when Jesus Christ died and rose. The Law led us to Christ so that we may be justified by faith. Before faith, we were held prisoner by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed (Galatians 3:23). Now, you do not follow the same rules. There is a different set of expectations. The law is a shadow of good things to come (Hebrews 10:1). While under the law, we/they should have learned that there was no possible way to follow the 613 perfectly, but before Christ, they followed the practices of the law until the fulfillment in Jesus Christ came.

Does fulfillment of the law by Jesus Christ make the law null and void? No. The law makes us conscious of sin (Romans 3:20). It makes us take a good look at ourselves and, if we are honest, it makes us realize we are all guilty of sin (Romans 3:9-18). It helps us realize no one will be declared righteous by observing the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of sin. But now, a righteousness from God, apart from the law, has been made known, to which the Law and the Prophets testify (Romans 3:20-21). The Law helps us realize we need a Savior. A Savior who did follow the law perfectly. A Savior who took our sins upon himself and became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21) nailing it to the cross. A Savior who took his own blood, once for all, behind the curtain of Most Holy Place in Heaven to present us as holy to his Father (Hebrews 9:12-14). A Savior who set us free from the sins committed under the first covenant (Hebrews 9:15). A Savior who sets aside the first to establish the second (Hebrews 10:9). A Savior who teaches two new covenant laws: Love the Lord your God with all your heat and with all your should and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments (Matthew 22:37-40).

In the old testament, everyone followed all the same 613 rules, or tried. Their meals were prepared the same. Their worship was the same. Their festivals were the same. Their sacrifices were the same. Their washing was the same. Now that the new, fulfilled requirements of the law have been ushered in by Jesus Christ, each one has a unique and different relationship with the Lord, but our heart is the same. The old testament is about the outside; the new covenant is about the inside motivation of our outward activities.

Is it necessary to follow some of the rules from the old testament? Sure! When putting the First greatest commandment into practice, you will follow (or not follow) hundreds of laws from the old testament. When putting the Second greatest commandment into practice, you will follow (or not follow) hundreds more.

Some rules are followed because we are thankful to God. Some rules are not followed because we are also thankful to God. One man regards all days alike. He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks (Romans 14:5-6). Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble (Romans 14:20).  So whatever you think about these things, keep between yourself and God (Romans 14:22). You condemn yourself by what you approve only if it offends someone else and that is not practicing the second commandment.

So how are we righteous? Jesus said we need to be baptized to fulfill all righteousness (Matthew 3:15). How do we fulfill the Law? Carry other's burdens and this will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2)

Challenge: Examine why you do what you do. Is it because it is a written law that compels you of because it is placed on your heart by the Holy Spirit? How do you judge your neighbor who does things differently than you do?



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the good thoughts Erin! I really like the examples of "fulfillment". This was certainly no "tawdry" article!! (smile)

Erin E. McEndree said...

Thank you, ML. It's been on my heart lately to really study why I do what I do and to defend my faith. I've been digging deep in response to someone who tells me I should not eat pork nor should I celebrate Christmas and I should follow all the Law presented in Gen-Deut. It has felt good to defend my faith.

Anonymous said...

Wow Erin, this is awesome! Thank you for this! It was good "soul food!"


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