Thursday, December 18, 2014

Don't Lie About Santa

Don’t Lie About Santa

I believe in ‘Santa’. His name originally is Nicholas. He was a real man who was born in 280 in present day Turkey. He was a bishop. He stoop up for the Lord Jesus when men were trying to demote His deity. He was known for giving gifts to the poor and needy and children. There is a good article about St. Nicholas at

I have been reading this story to my kids for several years. They still believe in St. Nicholas, too. I guess, his name has been ‘Americanized’ to Santa like in other countries, also. My family talks about the spirit of giving that St. Nicholas spread. We want to continue that spirit of giving because we also focus on Christ this time of year more than any other. (Sad…we should focus on Him this much all 12 months of the year.) We also want to be as bold as St. Nicholas and stand up for Christ.

Wise men gave gifts to the boy Jesus. (spoiler alert!!!): I am giving a bottle of Frankincense, myrrh and gold to my sister-in-laws to represent the gifts given to Jesus. Every time they smell it’s aroma or see the yellowish bottle hanging on their tree, I want them to think of our Savior. This was also done with blue tassels and bells sewn on the hems of robes in the Old Testament.

I think, if anything done for the Lord and in remembrance of Him to honor him, God is pleased. We may not do everything right, but if we do everything for the Lord to glorify Him with thanksgiving, we can be confident in coming to the thrown of grace (Heb 4:16). Do everything as working for the Lord, not man (Col 3:23).

(Side note: Your on your own about the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny. HEHE)

Blessings and have a wonderful CHRISTmas.

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