Thursday, September 4, 2014

Suffering Brings Us Closer to God. How?

Suffering Brings Us Closer to God…If We Let It

Job lost it all. Job 1:20 says he fell to the ground in worship. Wait! He lost it all and he worshiped! That is character! Right now the mom of NFL player who was killed while in the drunk drivers car when it crashed (forgive me, I’m sports illiterate- I don’t know the names)…the mom is glad the driver was reinstated to the Cowboys. That is character. A mom who befriended the boy who shot and killed her son, and treated him like a son…has character. Job 1:21-22 says, “The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, may the name of the Lord be praised. In all this, Job did not sin by charging God with wrongdoing.” His wife even asked him in Job 2:9, “Are you still maintaining your integrity? Curse God and die.” I love Job’s response, “You are talking like a foolish woman. Do we accept good from God and not troubles?” Do we do that as well…complain, complain, complain.

The beginning of school has started and I have already done my fair share of complaining! Communication seems to be lacking in several areas, but instead of rolling with the punches, I seem to be complaining. That is not character! If I could do it all again, I think I would just speak the positive and not get caught up in the conversations.

Question…Has anyone ever changed their character in good times? In good times, everything seems to be going well. Everyone is happy and content. Why change that? In troubles, the yuck of our hearts shows through and we see what we need to scrape off...if we are paying attention and not just asserting our rights. That is why we should welcome trials. It shows us how to be closer to God by being more like him. So, when suffering and trials come, look deeper than just the hurt and find out what God so desperately wants you to develop in your life. He wants your character stronger like Jobs.

Suffering brings us closer to God if we let it. The two ladies I mentioned, I bet they are happy, at peace and feel closer to God than if they were bitter, angry and cursing God. Suffering can also drive a wedge if we let it. Choose to build your character or die trying to be independent from God thinking you deserve only good.

1 comment:

Vasca said...

Good thoughts. Building character to me is an ongoing project; one that can so quickly be damaged if we aren't cautious. I find that I don't nearly complain as much as I did not so long ago...thank you Lord for your immense influence.

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