If you could choose to be great at one thing or good at
everything, which would you choose?
I read this question on Richard Allen’s blog and it really
made me think.
This was my thought process: Okay, let’s say I’m great at one
thing: writing. That means that I am only okay at being a mom, or wife, or
keeping the check book balanced and a plethora of other things I could add to
the list. If I was great at one thing, I feel like I would be neglecting the
rest. Or, at best, only ‘getting by’.
Let’s say I am good at everything. That means I am good at
blogging, good at being a mom, good at being a wife, good at sharing Christ and
a plethora of other things. I think I like this much better.
Richard’s answer…He chose to be great at everything.
That seems like a daunting expectation to me. Great at
keeping the kitchen clean. Great at keeping the check book balanced. Great at
keeping the laundry done. Great at keeping the car free of French fries and
crumbs. Great at keeping the floors mopped, the dust at bay and the windows
washed. Great at writing and great at finishing my writing projects. How
depressing. I am just good at most of those and some not even that good…ask my
Being great at everything makes me feel overwhelmed. I
figured out a couple of years ago I was much better at being good at couple of
things that are really important instead of being sub-par at too many things
that stretch me too thin.
I’ve been in that thin place; too many responsibilities that
made me just okay at all of them. And by ‘just okay’ I mean, neglecting some
because I can’t be in two or three places at the same time. I remember having
to choose. I hated that feeling; being at one event when I’m thinking about
what I am missing at the other one.
I choose to be good at the things that are most important to
me: Christian, wife, mother, writer. If that means I only have 20 followers my
whole blogging career, then okay. I know God uses my words in mighty ways I don’t
even see. If that means I never finish my devo book, then okay…I’ll start posting
my chapters on my blog. If good means having the laundry my family needs for
the day ready and a safe comfortable place to come home to, then okay.
I can’t imagine being great at something and neglecting the
others. I want to be good at everything I put myself into. In fairness, I guess
greatness can be a goal. But for me, it seems to be an unattainable goal that I
have been striving for my whole married life. It stresses me out to be great. I
will settle for good.
(Maybe if I had a house keeper, Honey, I could be great!)
Richard cheated! Ha Ha : )
I wonder if we were great at loving God, if it would make us good at the things that really matter?
Thanks, Anonymous for your response. And oh how I try to be great at loving God and I don't even succeed at that. I don't pray as much as I should. I don't read my Bible as much as I should. I don't write my devos as often as I should. On and on. You know the verse from Paul, I do what I do not want to do and I don't do what I want to do...? That is me! Thank the Lord for grace and mercy because I can't even be great at what is the most important thing in life...being grateful my Savior took my place.I am constantly beating myself up, but I think that is what Jesus means when he says come to me and I will give you rest. I can't wait for that rest!
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