Friday, May 23, 2014

Don't Debate

I've watched two debates recently. Bill Nye (evolution) and Ken Ham (creation). Bill Nye even said twice that there was a great mystery. To follow that statement, Ken Ham said, "There is this book..." Of course, he was referring tot he Bible.

I also watched a long debate with Christopher Hitchens (atheist) and Dinesh D'Souza (Catholic). Dinesh began debating saying he would not debate faith because he knew Christopher would only say he didn't believe the Bible was the true Word of God over and over.

Evolutionist put finding after finding out there but creationist don't care what findings 'find'. Interpretation changes outcomes all the time. Have you ever kept up with the 'findings' in food? One day coffee is good for you, the next it is bad. One day eggs are beneficial, the next day someone interprets the findings and eggs are bad. Creation is a belief in faith. You either have it or you don't. God gives everyone a measure of faith. Growing it or suppressing your faith largely depends on your experiences in life. Good experiences equals good, fertile soil to grow faith. Bad experiences equals hard hearts where  nothing good grows. a good experience to those around you so they will want to grow their faith and leave all the debating behind. 

Has anyone changed their mind afterwards? I've never heard of it.

Timothy 2:23 "Don't have anything to do with stupid and foolish arguments, because you know they only produce quarrels."

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