Thursday, January 16, 2014

My Communion Thoughts

Every Sunday during communion, I read this bookmark I created:
Sacrifice for
Renew daily
Paid for
Close to
Indwelt with
Submissive to
Controlled by
Possessed by
Sealed in
Share with
Identified with/by
Partaker of
Reconciled to
Cleansed by
Healed by
Sanctified through
 Fellowship with
Purified by
In remembrance of Me. Never, Never forget.
He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

This past Sunday, however, I thought: Okay, HOW do I do those things? 

I sacrifice for my family, I sacrifice my time and money and comfort for other’s
I renew daily my need for Him and lean not on my own understanding
I am paid for by his blood
I am close to Him because I choose to be daily
I have the indwelt Holy Spirit because I acknowledge it’s guidance and counsel in my life
I am submissive to the Word and Holy Spirit’s guidance by my actions and words 
I am controlled by what the Lord says about me not what other's say
I am possessed by Him

I am sealed in Jesus’ blood for heaven 
I share with others when given the opportunity (most of the time) (I'm working on it being automatic) 
I am identified by/with Christ by my words and deeds
I am a partaker of his body and blood

I am reconciled to Him through repentance through prayer and obedience
I am cleansed by His blood for the remission of my sins
I am healed by Him: it is a 'heart and mind healing'; maybe not physically
I am sanctified and strive to conform more and more to the image of Christ

I have fellowship with other believers and with the Lord through prayer
I am purified through blood not deeds
I am justified fully!! I am free from guilt and shame by faith. 

I claim that ‘not guilty’ verdict and thank God for that option! I give him my shame and guilt and thank God for that option! Do you? Are you at peace?

What do you do during communion? How do you meditate? What do you think about?


Vasca said...

I do my best to concentrate on what it's about and stay focused. Admit I have a brain that zooms all over the place. I like your design changes...very nice. And as always, your thoughts are excellent.

Stanelle is God's said...

I enjoyed reading your post . you have a good way of put things. I think this is something we should all be thinking very carefully about.

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