Thursday, September 5, 2013

Read Acts 19:23-41
Title in NIV: Demetrius, a silversmith, causes a uproar at Ephesus.

This story is about how one man can cause huge turmoil. I have a Rainbow Bible. Each topic is in a different color so the reader can understand the subject deeper. For example, every verse about family, genealogies or marriage is in yellow. Every verse about God is in purple. Every verse about love is in green. Every verse about sin and judgement of the ungodly is in dark gray. Today, verse 23-41 is in tan which represents false teachers and idolatry. You should try this Bible. It really will deepen your understanding of the meaning of scripture.

First, you need to know about Demetrius. He was a silversmith in Ephesus. He made idols for the goddess Artemis. She was a Greek moon goddess portrayed as a virgin goddess of hunting, wilderness and wild animals. She was the goddess of childbirth and the protector of girls up until they were married. She could also bring sudden death and disease to girls. (Similarly, her twin brother was the protector of boys.)

Demetrius was pretty upset that Paul was speaking about only one true God. He got the other craftsmen together to tell them Paul was leading the people astray. Of course, Demetrius was concerned only for his business, not for Truth. He was really concerned that the goddess would be robbed of her divine majesty.

After two hours of hooping and hollering, the city clerk tried to calm the crowd. He appealed to the people by convincing them that Ephesus was the guardian of the temple of the great Artemis and of her image that fell from heaven. Now, did they ever ask themselves WHY her image fell from heaven as their myth says?

Anyway, the crowd was dispersed. I wonder if Demetrius ever did go through the proconsuls and other courts to bring charges against Paul like the clerk said. All I found was a verse in 3 John that praised Demetrius. I can't say if it  is the same man or not.

Points that came to my mind:
1) Some of the people did not even know why they were there rioting. I did that once. I went to a rally with some people in college and after it was over and I really thought hard about the content, I was totally on the other side.
2) Make sure your cause aligns with God's Word if you are going to get a lot of followers to be passionate about what you are passionate about. I just wonder what will happen to people who insight a riot is opposing God Word. (Like the senator (I think) who spoke for 13 hours about why abortion is actually helping women's health.)  I hope she finds mercy in her heart someday for the innocent! She was saved from abortion and given a chance but will not fight to help other women make the same choice.
3) Paul did not go to the riot to speak. I guess sometimes you just have to allow God to fight for you! That is easier said than done.

Blessings to you! I pray that you find boldness in this new school year.

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