Thursday, March 7, 2013

Don't Discriminate

Read Acts 11
Title in NIV: Peter defends his ministry.

            These two chapters (10 & 11) make me think about the time in history when the slaves became free. Many could not believe it, did not want to accept it and would not consider Black people as equal. It was the same in the 60’s during desegregation.
            Peter is talking to the circumcised believers in Jerusalem. They could not believe the Gentiles had received the word of God. They did not want to accept it- they wanted to be the only ones ‘chosen’. They could not consider Gentiles as equals in God’s sight.
            Some white people did not want to associate or eat with Black people or even be seen with them. They had to eat in the back. They had different restrooms and water fountains etc. The Jews felt the same way about the Gentiles (and Samaritans). They considered them unclean. Peter tried to explain to the circumcised in Jerusalem what God revealed to him and what God said, “Do not call anything impure that God has made clean.” Peter tried to give them the message from God through which they and their household would be saved.
            While Peter was defending his ministry to the circumcised believers in Jerusalem, the Holy Spirit came on them. They understood that God gave the Gentiles the same gift he gave them who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. When they believed this, they praised God. They said, “God had granted even the Gentiles repentance unto life.”
            In the next chapter we learn that not all could believe what Peter said about the Gentiles and about God’s acceptance of them. Through out history some groups of people have tried to claim they were superior: Germans over Jews; Whites over Blacks; Cowboys over Indians etc.
            We need to defend the ministry of Jesus Christ and accept all those who believe. Our attitude and actions should show that we (I) believe everyone is a special child of God. Revelation 5:9 says, “…with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. You have made them to be a kingdom and priest to serve our God and they will reign on the earth.” Believers are a kingdom on the earth defending the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a special people and knit together for His purpose. This kingdom here on earth, called His Church, will be taken to God’s kingdom in heaven when he returns.
            God create everyone in his image. We are all his treasured possession. Some may not act like it or take it seriously or even believe it, but we are all his children.
            There is a billboard on I-20 west of Weatherford that says, “You Are God’s Child. Make Him Proud.” It does not discriminate. Just like the Holy Spirit came upon those men and helped them believe, let us walk with the Spirit and believe everyone is God’s special workmanship.

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