Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tabitha is Healed

Today is a short one!!

Read Acts 9:36-43
Title in NIV: Dorcas is restored to life by Peter.

In Joppa, there was a lady named Tabitha (also called Dorcas. Mind if I use the name Tabitha? Dorcas just sound negative to me.) Anyway, Tabitha was always doing good and helping the poor. She became sick and died. Remember last week, Peter was in Lydda. That is near Joppa. Two men went to get Peter. They must have had great faith. The women showed Peter her good works.

This is what I found interesting in this story: Peter got down on his knees and prayed THEN he turned toward Tabitha and told her to get up and she did. Peter was communicating with God in one direction. I have no doubt that Peter was asking for permission, asking for the power, and giving God the glory. Then he turned toward Tabitha in a different direction and healed her.

I get the feeling Peter had a direct line to the Father. We should strive for that everyday, too!

Like I said, this is short.

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