Thursday, March 8, 2012

Introduction to Colossians

Colossians was written by Paul about 60 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection. He is writing the church at Colosse. At this point Paul has never visited Colosse, but he is concerned because he hears of its decline. He attributes the decline to false teachings from Jews, Greeks and Orientals. There is even teaching by Gnostics that deny Christ’s true humanity. Paul writes this letter from a prison in Rome.

Paul focuses on applying Jesus’ teachings to life in much of Colossians. Believers are encouraged to take off old self and put on new self by living righteously before God. They are encouraged to invite Christ into every area of their life and make him the ‘head’ of the body.

There are four themes we will touch upon:

1. Jesus alone is sufficient to meet every need of our lives.

2. The perfect reflection of invisible God is the perfect Jesus Christ.

3. Philosophies which do not exalt Christ are not from God.

4. Our relationship with God is reflected through our relationship with others.

I briefly want to say something about the last point (#4) right now. My husband and I recently went to a marriage seminar. A concept was brought up that might change your thinking. The concept is this: The way women treat their husbands is in direct proportion with her relationship with God. Women, if you have a correct relationship with God, you will treat your husband with respect, you will be kind, you will be subject to your husbands, you will be self-controlled in speech and action toward your husband (in private and public), and you will not try to have authority over your husband. Basically, women are just practicing how they will treat their Creator and Savior in heaven by how they treat their husbands here on earth. Are you practicing well? Are you treating your beloved like you want God to treat you?

Men: The way men treat their wives is in direct proportion with his relationship with God. Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. Feed her and care for her like you would do for yourself. Christ feeds and cares for his church. Basically, men are just practicing the example Jesus provided here on earth before they get to heaven. Are you practicing well? Are you treating your beloved like you want God to treat you?

In all other relationships there should be the same characteristics: a respect, a kindness, a ‘what can I do for you’ attitude, a mutual building-up in the relationship for the purpose of getting a closer relationship to God.

Blessings to all!!

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