Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do You Stick?

Read James 1:12-18
Title in NIV: Temptations are not from God.
Theme: Mature Christian

This passage compares and contrasts mature Christians  and immature Christians.  A mature Christian is blessed when they are temped by Satan as he hurls his darts because they persevere: they ‘stick’. They always move forward and trust God during pain. They understand this world is temporary and that another place is waiting if they stand firm and pass the tests given. They ‘stick’. 1 Peter 1:7 says, “though for a little while you may have to suffer grief in all kinds of trials…so that your faith….may be proved genuine…".  So trials are a test to show if they will persevere or shrink back. Mature Christians ‘stick”.

When a mature Christian is tempted, they realize it is for some reason. One- to prove their faith genuine. Two- to strengthen them. Three- to help rid themselves of dross in their life. Dross is the impurity that floats to the top (like cream in fresh milk) of metal when it is melted. All the impurity is scraped off the top to make the metal pure. God puts us in firey situations to make the dross float so he can scrape it off. A problem arises when we mix the dross back into our life before God has a chance to scrape it off.

The mature Christian understands God does not tempt anyone. The mature Christian does not allow evil desires to drag them away OR when they are drug away- because all of us sin- they claw, fight, repent, pray back to righteousness and do not stay in that sin. They ‘stick’ to their beliefs. They do not allow it to rule their life; they try to do better. There are some things I try to do better at every day. I will be drug away if I stop trying and give up. A mature Christian does not change like the shifting shadows to suit his own desires. He ‘sticks’.

To contrast: An immature Christian retreats, shrinks back from situations/opportunities placed in front of him. They are not blessed in a heavenly or worldly manner. They believe trials are punishments from God and therefore don’t like God and think He is unfair and untrustable. An immature Christian wants to hold on to sin because it is comfortable. They hang on tightly to things that are not beneficial. An immature Christian changes his mind a lot and seems tossed in the wind. Ephesians 4:14 says, “…infants tossed back and forth by the waves and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunningness and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” Romans says, “watch out for those who cause division and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have received. Keep away from them… By their smooth talk and flattery they deceive the mind of naive people” or deceive the mind of immature Christians. Immature Christian will go with the flow and possibly do things they have never done before just to fit in with their surrounding. They compromise their beliefs to suit their desire. Now, remember, these can be Christians that come to church every time the door is open and they can also be doing good deeds, but their whole life does center around sticking to God's desire for their life. They still want what they want when they want it.

Maturity is striving to be more like Christ in all aspects of your life and in every situation. You cannot allow God access to parts of your life and keep him out of others because you know you will have to give something up if you let him in THAT part of your life.

Mature Christians do not run away, they do not change, they do not bend, they ‘stick’ and learn lessons THROUGH the trials. They know God will carry them through and they will be better and stronger on the other side of the trial.

Challenge: list things in your life that are not beneficial… start the process of scraping them off your list. (TV, Facebook, Magazines, pride, fear, obsession with shoes, cars, vanity, following others etc.)

1 comment:

bookworm said...

I know that TV is not always beneficial, but I heard a "bad" man say a "good" thing, "It is not how many times you get knocked down (read-fail), it is how many times you get up." I think this is what we as mature (or semi-mature, may be more accurate) Christians need to remember, God will help us get up.

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