Thursday, September 2, 2010

Progress: Law Becomes Faith

Read Romans 3:9-20
Theme:All men's guilt as sinners. (last section in this theme)
Title in NIV: Everyone is guilty of sin.

This is the last section of this theme. Good! I am ready to hear some good news, aren't you? For now, hang with me one more week while I finish up all men's sin.

Remember, all the sin we have been talking about is before Jesus came and sanctified us. Jews and Gentiles alike are all under sin. Verse 19 explains that the "whole world is accountable to God." God wanted it that way. He wants all men to be saved so he has given all men the same chance to be saved. That chance is a choice to believe and have faith. You can deny or accept Jesus. You can reject or follow Jesus. But, ultimately, it is each one's choice to accept Jesus or deny that you need a Savior.

Looking back at the old testament people shows a progression of realization. The old testament people were under the law (brought by Moses). We know they could never follow all the 600+ laws to be righteous. They had to continually sacrifice animals. The priest had to continually sacrifice animals for himself and for the people. It was a never ending cycle. Sin, sacrifice, covered, sin, sacrifice, covered. Some may have given up realizing they could never be perfect. God's plan was for His people (you and me) to realize they could never be righteous trying to follow all those rules and turn to the One who was perfect and righteous. God wants us to accept Jesus and 'take on' his righteousness so we appear perfect and clean when God sees us. People had to progress into a completely different way of thinking. They had to realize they needed a Savior and live for Him and not live for keeping the law.

James 2:10 says, "For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it." People who stumble and sin that have not accepted Jesus' gift are guilty. People who stumble and sin that have accepted Jesus' gift are justified (free from guilt of blame through faith). I don't know about you, but I like being guiltless and I can have confidence that I am because He promises that I am.

Galatians 3:24 says, "Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. The law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith." See the progression? Law turned into faith when Jesus came. The law could never produce righteousness because we are not perfect. Faith on the other hand produces righteousness in the midst of imperfection. Awesome!! Don't stay stuck in old thinking. What concept, thought, feeling, attitude do you need to progress into?

If you want to do some further study, verses 11-18 all come from Psalms. You can read about our sinful desires and what they produce and how God will help.

Ps 14:1-3 Vile deeds of the corrupt.
Ps 5:9 Prayer for deliverance from enemies.
Ps 140:3 Prayer for protection from evil men.
Ps 10:7 Prayer for God to protect the weak.
Ps 36:1 The wickedness of man and the love of God.

1 comment:

bookworm said...

My comment is that this set me to thinking about Paul's comment, "I buffet my self daily" ; boy, I need to do this.

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