Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are You an Inward Christian or an Outward Christian?

Read Romans 2:17-29
Theme: All men's guilt as sinners
Title in NIV: Jews are instructed on knowledge verses obedience of God's laws.

Paul warns the Jews that knowledge is of no value if you do not do (action) what you know. There are many verses throughout the bible that explain this concept: Mt. 23; Mark 12:38-39; Luke 13:34; 2Peter 2:1 and so on...

We fall in that trap too many time ourselves, I'm afraid; or at least I do. How many times did I THINK about calling my friend today with the sick husband? How many times do I allow something false to be said about something or someone--from someone who does not know all the facts-- and I am not bold enough to SAY anything? How many times do I push snooze and FORSAKE my morning talk with God? How many times do I WATCH a t.v. show instead of reading from the Word? Satan likes us to think, say nothing, watch and forsake. These things require no ACTION. We fall into the trap of not practicing what we preach and being a passive observer more often than we realize.(I am the worst. All the previous examples are about me.)Thank the Lord there is grace and mercy and I get to try again to day.

Verse 28 says, "A man is not a [Christian] if he is only one outwardly..." Remember last week? We can't get away from God's x-ray vision. He sees our heart attitude and motives. Verse 29 says, "A man is a [Christian] if he is one inwardly..." You are a Christian if you have been heart-attacked by the Spirit (inward); if you desire to be a better person; if you want to 'do it' better today than you did yesterday; if you want to live for the Lord more than you want to live for yourself. You are not a Christian if you just follow all the rules (outward) because that is what is expected and you don't want to get in trouble. Amazingly, if you are a Christian inwardly, you will show it outwardly. The opposite is not true.

New subject:
The text discusses circumcision. That can be confusing since our culture does not use that outward sign to show that we follow the Lord. Circumcision was a physical demonstration that a man and his household followed the Lord. Our new covenant given through Jesus does not require circumcision but baptism. Baptism is our public, outward expression that we follow Jesus. Also, a man does not get baptized for his household any longer. Each one has to show who he follows individually. Challenge: Read Romans 2:25-27 and replace 'circumcision' with the word 'baptism'. Journal your thoughts after doing this.

Blessings to all.


Erin E. McEndree said...

Hi! I am posting a comment to see if I can make it easier. Several have said they cannot post comments without all kinds of hoops. Be patient.

Erin E. McEndree said...

My post went through with not trouble, but I have a google account.I have heard you have to create a google acct to leave a comment. I have tried to change that,with no success. If you want to leave me a comment, I guess, just e-mail me @

bookworm said...

I was thinking about "outwardly" and "inwardly". I have found that I am often guilty of seeming to forgive "outwardly", when "inwardly" I still think too much about the wrong done to me. I read something the other day that made since to me. That perhaps I have not only not forgiven the wrong, but I have also not realized that I need to ask God to help me forgive myself because I can't let go of something. I am forsaking my opportunity to myself as well as to others.

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