Title in NIV: Titus is charged to appoint qualified elders in every town.
I will never be 'in charge' of appointing elders, but I want to demonstrate their qualifications in my own life. (I like lists!)
- Blameless- not overbearing, not quick-tempered, not given to drunkenness, not violent, not pursuing dishonest gain, finding no fault with
- Have believing children- not wild and disobedient This is becoming harder and harder with so much technology, materialism, entertainment, temptations and the like pulling at our children. Let us bombard our children with things of God rather than our children being bombarded with the things of this world.
- Entrusted with God's work- "He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us." 2 Cor 5:19-20
- Hospitable- friendly, kind, favoring the health, growth and comfort of guests (thanks Webster)
- Loves what is good- "whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, anything excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things Philippians 4:8 Do you also shun what is bad? Some T.V. shows, some music, some magazines etc. You can't be divided.
- Self-controlled- to control one's emotions, desires and actions (thanks Webster)
- Upright- honest, just, honorable (thanks Webster)
- Holy- belonging to God, separated or set apart for God
- Disciplined- training that leads to a self-controlled character, orderliness and efficiency (thanks Webster)
- Hold on to trustworthy message- keep hope and faith, not swerving, steadfast, not shrinking back
- Encourage others with sound doctrine- not church tradition, not denomination's expectations, not what I think, but what God says
- Refute those who oppose it- bold, ready at any moment to help someone refocus on God with a loving phrase
Your goal may not be to become a church leader, but your example will be seen whether you like it or not. Let's walk with the Spirit and allow the Spirit to fill us with these characteristics.
Lord, to be honest, I like some of these characteristics, but others seem to hard and too much work to maintain. Help my attitude of defeat and help me be victorious in the way you are leading me. Don't allow me to shrink back, but place people in my life that will spur me on and encourage my transformation. Help me to be an encouragement to others on this journey who are wanting to be transformed by You, too. Help grow these Godly characteristics in my life.
Further Study
Ephesians 4:17:32 Put off old self; put on the new self
Psalm 99 The hold God of Zion
2 Timothy 3:14-17 Disciplined by God's word
1 Thessalonians 1 Christians as an example
Hebrews 13:1-3 Hospitality
1 comment:
Shepherd's are special men; they carry a responsibility from above and once a shepherd...to M and I, always a shepherd. It isn't something one can put on and take off. It is a part of us, our life. I say 'our' because we are one.
Being 'spirit-led and spirit-filled' ~ to us ~ seems necessary and both of us believe...that's most of our 'aura', if you will.
Serving here is our fourth 'term' as a shepherd of His...twice in Oklahoma...once in Wisconsin. A well meaning person told me "Well, now thatyour husband is an elder, you can't go traipsing out of town." Do things like that discourage men and their families from stepping up to serve? I hope now. M first served when he was 43 (so was I), we had 4 teenage sons and busy B's. We realized serving in that way would require much of his time but we made it work very well. It can be done.
These are just some personal thoughts...I would encourage wives to pray and study privately and w/their husbands ~ the church needs leaders...there are many qualified w/the exception of 'desiring'. Pray about it, work on it.
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