Thursday, January 21, 2010


In-Step with the Spirit

I am passionate about keeping in-step with the Spirit (Galations 5:25). The only way to do this is to know where the Spirit wants to go. To know the way, I have to read the road map, the Bible. My destination is not mapped out with a yellow highlighter because I do not yet know where I am going. I am relying on the Spirit to lead and guide me. I have to listen with spiritual maturity to the Spirit's directions, not look ahead with my worldy eyes. I have to trust the journey will be in my best interest and for the interest of others. My goal is to keep in-step with the Spirit and do what I am prompted to do. This is a process. A journey. I hope you will follow along and keep in-step with the Spirit as well.

Why this Blog?

I see so many people wondering why their life feels out of control, hectic, turbulent, and filled with conroversay. I believe they have fallen off the path and are not walking with the Spirit. There are times in my life when I fall off the path and need encouragement to get back on the right journey. I want to walk with the Spirit and help others walk with the Spirit so their life can be transformed into peaceful, tranquil, and pleasant lives for the service of our Lord.

Are you walking with the Spirit and able to hear his voice? Are you running ahead of the Spirit and can't see him (I-can-do-it-myself attitude)? Are you behind the Spirit seeing only a fuzzy image ahead of you (Drag-your-feet affitude)? Are you running in the other direction totaly because the Spirit seems complicated, scary and demanding (denying Him)? If you can relate to these descriptions, I encourage you to read-on and let us stay-on the path together.

I love writing devos and writing this blog serves a three fold purpose. 1) I will stay devoted to staying in the Word, 2) I will keep practicing my passion for writing that is my God-given talent, and 3) I will offer insite, as I am led, on how to keep in-step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25).

Format for this Blog

I've always heard the verse from Hebrews 4:12 that says, "For the word of God is living and active." It has been true since the Word was chisseled on the tablets Moses carried, and penned on the first scrolls. Even today, the letters written in the Bible are relevant and guide us to understand God and his ways. Like Moses' life journey, we are on our own journey. What better map than the Bible? The letters teach us new concepts, rebuke our off-the-path concepts, tweek our wrong concepts, and train us to apply concepts. All of this is done in our best intrest and so we can gather many to His kingdom.

Saying that, I will allow the Word the teach, train and rebuke me. I will follow the Spirit on the journey and do my best to stay on the path as I share what I learn with you. My prayer and aim is to stay in-step with the Spirit and help you stay there, too.

The map is in front of us. I can't wait to see where the Spirit leads. I may not know the course we will take, it may be bumby, it may hurt, I may have to walk in circles to learn what I need to learn, but where ever the Spirit leads, I want to be in a harmonious step beside Him.


Vasca said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. I like and appreciate your've a more spiritual title than my "Filler' Up"...ha! We're on the same God wave and it is encouraging to share with others. To be spirit-led and spirit-filled is an awesome wonder. Blessings! I joined...hope it shows up on your member thing...woo...maybe the 1st.

Hope said...


As a teenager, I grew up side by side with the most caring person i could have called my best friend. I grew up with a girl that I knew without a doubt that some day she would be a passionate leader. I recall the many times we shared our thoughts and prayers in the daily lives of a teenager; however, I am very blessed to be able to share new thoughts and prayers with her as a woman. Looking back, I am grateful that I grew up with you. Thank you for being my best friend since grade school and for being an additional sister I can count on! Good luck with your blog! You are truly God's instrument!

bookworm said...

Reminds me of the old hymn --"open my ears that I may hear---Open my eye illumine me" and all the words in the hymn---"Silently now I wait for thee.

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